
Freitag, 13. Januar 2012

Virgo 23 Aug - 22 sep 2012

Virgo Sign Virgo 23 Aug - 22 Sep

YOUR YEAR AHEAD Sept 2011– Sept 2012

Annual forecasts run from birthday to birthday.
Every year around the time of your birthday the
Sun enters Virgo, your Sun sign, and your new yearly
cycle begins.


Whether or not you're attached, make romance a priority and enjoy yourself. Professionally and emotionally, a number of important people appear to be coming into your life over the next twelve months. For those of you looking for love a number of very different candidates may cross your path. Someone older or more worldly who enjoys life's luxuries may develop a soft-spot for you and try to open doors for you. Alternatively, you could find yourself smitten by someone younger or less mature, someone quite charming, arty or even a bit of a dandy. Nev-ertheless, when it comes to love you can be very idealistic, sometimes unrealistically so, so try and keep at least one foot on the ground.


Money makes the world go round and Virgo appreciates this more than most. Therefore it's no surprise that there are supposedly more Virgo millionaires than any other Sun sign. If you can adopt a sensible, practical and relatively conservative attitude to risk there is no reason why the next twelve months shouldn't be a bumper year for you financially. The reluctance of those around you to follow your advice, or example, may test your patience so it's important not to be too generous or accommodating to those who owe you money, services or resources. Since you're likely to benefit financially through the help, support and cooperation of others the key is to discriminate between those who give and those who take.


This promises to be a significant year for your work and vocation and you could find yourself in a more prominent role or where you have to lead, manage or take care of others in some way. Training and overseas connections are well-starred so whether you're a teacher or student, make the most of educational opportunities and contact with people from different cultures. Since this also promises to be a good year for relationships, personal and professional, there may be times when it's not what you know but who you know that counts.Therefore don't hide yourself away. Be prepared to put yourself and your work in the shop window, and when you do, make sure to dress to impress.


Certain family members may need extra care or support and it's important for you to do your bit and keep lines of communication open. So keep in touch if you can't be around as often as you'd like. However, do not let family or domestic matters prevent you from following your heart or what you consider to be your vocation or life path. Whether this is connected with family de-mands and responsibilities or the views and expectations of those who think they know what's best for you. Your choices and decisions about how and where you live your life are up to. It's also important not to over-extend yourself financially when it comes to your property, home or living situation.


Virgo has a reputation for being keen on self-development, healthy eating and dietary supple-ments। Anything in fact that makes Virgo feel more efficient and effective. However, it's impor-tant to learn to be happy with who you are in the here and now, rather than constantly trying to improve oneself. Nevertheless, you'll benefit from activities that help boost your self-esteem and give you opportunities to develop technical and presentation skills to better express your ideas and communicate with confidence. Virgo is associated with the abdomen and under stress prob-lems can flare up in the digestive system. Therefore you'll also benefit from a diet that supports the digestive systems as well as developing relaxation techniques such as meditation and Yoga.

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