YOUR YEAR AHEAD August 2011– August 2012
Annual forecasts run from birthday to birthday.Every year around the time of your birthday the
Sun enters Leo, your Sun sign, and your new yearly
cycle begins.
If you feel you’d like to change or improve your love life then it’s in your hands since the key appears to be to adopt a new attitude or approach. If you’ve had a tendency to judge a book by it’s cover then consider taking a more time to browse between the covers before jumping to conclusions. Leo wants someone special, or at least someone different. Even so, Leo has the ability to turn an ordinary mortal into a star. Therefore be prepared to relax your high standards and consider someone with a beautiful mind who could grow on you. Also, try to be gentle since you could scare away a charming but very sensitive soul who tickles your fancy.Money
The key to improving your finances is linked to how much you’re prepared to put yourself forward, take the lead and express yourself. Your sense of self-confidence and self-esteem, how you value yourself, will be reflected in how others value you too. Therefore, if you feel you’re being undervalued or unappreciated then maybe it’s time to step up to the plate and ask for a bigger slice of the pie. Leo dislikes restrictions and so can get themselves into financial difficulties by continually trying to live beyond their means. It can be hard to save for tomorrow when Leo prefers to live for today, nevertheless building a nest-egg can create more options for change in the future.Career
The possibility of change and upheaval is indicated in your work or vocation and so if you’re tempted to take the road less travelled and head off in a new direction then this could be your year. This is especially so if you feel you’ve gone as far as you can in your present situation or if you feel you don’t share the vision of your employers and that your talents would be better served elsewhere. Change is likely even if you do decide to stay where you are. Leo’s don’t usually avoid being in the spotlight but if you’ve been resisting opportunities to take the lead or be more centre stage then maybe it’s time to put yourself forward.Family
To prevent domestic matters from making too many demands on your time and energy it’s important to take charge of this area of your life. Even if certain family members leave you feeling exasperated at times, don’t let this undermined your attempts to get ahead and do your thing. Different situations and people will require different tactics. If your softly softly approach with some hasn’t achieved the desired results then maybe it’s time to try some tough love and establish clear and firm boundaries about what is, and is not, acceptable. However, at the same time it also appears that there are those who need emotional support and need to be nurtured and handled gently, with patience, care and affection.Wellbeing
If like me you’re a huge fan of ‘The Sound of Music’ then you’re familiar with Julie Andrew’s delightful rendition of ‘I have confidence in me!’। If not, get it out on DVD and have a singalong. You can move mountains with confidence alone and if you can tap into yours then the world is your oyster. While you can put on a show when necessary, beneath your greasepaint you’re a sensitive soul and you don’t always feel up to being the main attraction, keeping everyone else in line and entertained. Nevertheless, now is a time when you can shine, so whether it’s amateur dramatics, Toastmasters or drama therapy, try some fun activities that boost your confidence and self-esteem.http://www.johnhayes.biz
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