
Freitag, 13. Januar 2012

Gemini 21 May - 21 Jun 2011-2012

Gemini Sign Gemini 21 May - 21 Jun

YOUR YEAR AHEAD June 2011– June 2012

Annual forecasts run from birthday to birthday.
Every year around the time of your birthday the
Sun enters Gemini, your Sun sign, and your new yearly
cycle begins.


When it comes to love, you need mental stimulation and freedom to do your thing and so may keep your options open, avoiding commitment or have numerous affairs before settling down. However, since you need someone who turns you on mentally, be open to offers from someone from a different background to your own. Although Gemini's make friends easily, you're not the most trusting of signs and may prefer to remain aloof than let someone into your inner world. You also like to laugh and can become impatient with intellectual types who take themselves too seriously. Nevertheless, if you're looking for love you may discover someone a bit older or wiser has just what it takes to win your heart.


Money matters, especially those related to work and home, could get a little complicated. Sim-plify your financial affairs especially with regard to property matters and pause before rushing into extensive repairs, redecoration or renovations to your home. While certain others may be bending over backwards to give you access to additional credit and resources, don't tie yourself up in agreements that will end up restricting you. Mentally and physically restless, it can be diffi-cult for Gemini to be still, but sometimes doing nothing can bring better results than going in the wrong direction. While you have the potential to do relatively well financially through work, at times you may have to assert yourself to make sure you get your share.


This should be a very productive year but you need to be careful not to take on too much or spread yourself too thin since you're likely to be working harder than others realise. Socialising, networking and establishing good relationships is usually an important factor in your work but it's likely to be even more so now. There could be lots of changes and upheaval in the workplace and you need to be discreet about important information that comes your way. While you can excel in sales, the media and areas where you need to communicate ideas, think on your feet or promote a product or service, you should also be open to opportunities to teach, train or guide others.later.


Although it may be difficult to find time for family and loved ones, make an effort to keep in touch. There may be times when certain family members don't see eye-to-eye and you might be reluctant to get involved for fear of getting caught in the middle. Nevertheless, your ability to see every side of an issue and remain detached will enable you to build bridges and emphasise what people have in common rather than points of difference. While younger family members may be demanding, don't take things too personally and keep lines of communication open. Your priority however should be those family members who don't create a fuss, but who are just as important as those who do.


Being a mental creature, you need plenty of mental stimulation। Not surprisingly, boredom can actually make you ill and even lead to depression. So if you find yourself stuck in a rut you'll benefit from taking up a course of study or hobby that'll invigorate your grey cells and get you interacting with new people. However, you're more likely to suffer from overstimulation now. If you neglect to rest and follow a healthy diet, stress may bring difficulties with elimination of wastes, constipation, diarrhea or flatulence. Dependence on caffeine and sugary foods could also disturb your sleep patterns if you try to shortchange your body's need for rest. Fortunately, being an air sign, exercise focusing on breathing will work wonders.

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