Our horoscope website organizes free Cancer horoscopes astrology predictions, listing out the best Cancer horoscope forecasts for tomorrow, next week, month and all year. Cancer horoscopes daily and Cancer monthly astrology predictions are featured by astrologer, with reviews of each astrology website in directory format. Our Cancer weekly horoscopes feature links to horoscope forecasts by astrologer as well, but are also organized by day of release throughout the week. We've spent about a thousand hours finding the best Cancer horoscopes online, including Cancer yearly horoscopes for 2013, featuring the outlook the year ahead. Why not have a look at our Cancer love horoscopes, which describe male and female astrology in relationships. You might also like to explore personality, zodiac characteristics and traits below for men and women.
Cancer is the 4th sign of the zodiac in western astrology and is the first of the water signs. Well known for being gentle, nurturing and defensive, the latter apparent in the Cancer symbol, the Crab and its shell. The symbol, or glyph we've used represents the breasts (and nurturing). A Cancer man or woman is very self-protective, characteristically family oriented and rather emotional, being ruled by the Moon. They have the traits of being kind, sympathetic and loving. However, this can become overemotional and clingy for either a woman or a man who is their partner.
Cancer Daily Horoscopes | Cancer Weekly Horoscopes Cancer Monthly Horoscope Forecasts| Cancer Love Horoscopes Cancer Horoscope Compatibility Cancer Yearly Horoscopes for 2013 |
Cancer Zodiac Sign Traits and Personality Characteristics in Astrology
The sun sign of Cancer is feminine, as are all earth and water signs, giving them more than any other sign the passivity and receptivity characteristic of yang energy and the female nature, which gives life. Of course, everyone possesses both yin and yang energy, regardless of whether you are a man or woman. Cancer possesses a tremendous survival instinct. In fact, it is this instinct with drives action tendencies, for Cancer has cardinal quality. They will do what they must to protect their homes and their loved ones, and they treasure family. In relationships, Cancer may seem shy at first as they find their place and bearings, but they are very sweet and have unassuming characteristics. These men and women blend in after their initial withdrawal as people find something almost familiar about them. Like Taurus, they are very security oriented, male or female. They can be quite matter of fact and to the point, which may leave their partner hurt by their sometimes blunt personality traits. This is because they are soft but tough when they feel it is appropriate. They're practical and sentimental and can swing from darker moods to romantic fantasy. They are fiercely loyal men and women.On the shadow side, Cancer can go to extremes in giving and not receive from others properly. They can be sulky or indulge in self pity, harboring imagined slights. They can lose sight of things and become caught up in causes or allegiances when they commit themselves too much.
Professionally, Cancer does well where they can use their ability to get inside people's heads, or where they can organize and "keep house" so to speak. They are diverse though, as they may manifest an artistic or creative personality or entrepreneurial streak. Spiritually, they have introspective and meditative characteristics and make good listeners.
These traits may appear in Cancer rising and those with Cancer moon in their natal chart as well.
- Cancer Ruling Planet: Moon
- Cancer Zodiac Symbol: The Crab
- Cancer Element: Water
- Cancer Cardinality: Cardinal
- Cancer Stone: Pearl
- Cancer Season: Summer
- Cancer Colors: Silver
- Cancer Anatomy: Breasts
- Famous Cancers: Gerald Ford, George M. Cohen, Cat Stevens, Ann Landers, Linda Ronstadt, Dalai Lama, John Cusack, Princess Diana, Thurgood Marshall, Brian Dennehy, Robin Williams
You might like to learn more by visiting our special section on the best astrologers on the web to get their take on the astrology of Cancer, horoscope predictions and astrology forecasts. Be sure to bookmark us at free horoscopes astrology and visit each day to see updates for the week, month and year. We save you the trouble of searching the web for hours by gathering the best astrology websites on the internet in one convenient place! At last you can find the best Cancer horoscopes and astrology forecasts without a lot of hunting.
Further Reading for Cancer, Free Cancer Horoscopes and Free Cancer Astrology
Our description of the sign of Cancer is only a brief overview. For much more information about the sun, moon and rising sign of Cancer in western zodiac astrology, we recommend the following astrologers.Find Your Sign (Jonathan Cainer)
Cafe Astrology | Bob Marks
Astrology Online | Annabel Burton
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